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Death & Taxes: Day 2

July 2, 2020 - druidlyclean

What a fine day to be announcing our new guns... Hey, let go! You'll get your grubby hands on them when they're good and ready! Sheesh, you people are shaky—bring up the word gun and everyone's ready to blow each others' brains out. Luckily for you, that's exactly how we want you all.

Yes, you heard us right, GUNS! When's the last time you've seen one of those? They tell us you've been waiting years for some new weapons, and by your addict-like shaking, we probably shouldn't be surprised. Yes sir, we don't have but one... we don't even have five combined together in this single day... we have NINE new weapons in total!

Now, a majority of these weapons are re-balanced from our previously public build, but to you all, they should feel like brand new weapons! And that's not to gloss over the NEW new weapons, of which you can have a gander at... right now!

Click here to read Day 2!

Death & Taxes: Day 1

July 1, 2020 - druidlyclean

Hello? Who opened the blinds? How long did we sleep for? What year is it, and who are all you people? Update, what update? Oh good God, where did all this content come from!?

Gentlemen, feast your hungry eyes on the start of a brand new era for Team Fortress 2 Classic, and the beginning of a brand new update! Say hello to the update that took nearly four, yes, four years: The Death & Taxes Update!

"Oh sweet deities from the heavens, tell us, what's in this holy grail of an update?" First of all, stop bowing, get off your knees, and wipe the tears off your face, for Christ's sake. There's a war going on, Son! "What's in this update," you ask—previously written out, expressed in a whining tone? You'll need to open that update page up and have a gander for yourself, we can't do everything for you people!

Day 1 introduces a brand new gamemode: VIP! You must escort the brand new class, the Civilian, across three new maps... or, if you're not the ones escorting him, you'll be the ones slaughtering the meatbag!

Click here to read Day 1!
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