Territorial Domination (TD) is a brand new game mode for TF2 Classic that offers the unpredictable, ever-shifting objectives of Territorial Control, and marries it with unique tightly-packed action. Enjoy the affluence of more point-holding monarchy, with only half the stalemates!
TD maps have three points, equally spread apart. RED and BLU are randomly assigned one point apiece, and these home points stay locked until someone captures the neutral third point—then the real game begins. The locks fall and every point is up for grabs. Hold all three points at once and win the match! Spawn rooms change dynamically along with the points, though, so never get too comfortable.
All good game modes need a 'multi-use industrial site in the desert'-type first map to set the tone, and Caper follows in that tradition. A barn-mounted space laser (off-yellow), relay dish (periwinkle) and water reservoir (#M410-7 "Perennial Green") are all ripe for the taking, as long as you don't take it too personally when they change hands ten times a round.
Doing difficult things once! Doing easy things fifty times! Achievements, everybody. Learn them, earn them, and show your friends and teammates what a good little instruction-follower you are.