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Community Roundup: April 2024

April 20, 2024 - hunterbunney
Sorry — we were so busy releasing a mid-size update with sweeping map changes, readability and accessibility improvements, and long-awaited weapon rebalances, that we forgot to do April's community roundup until just now. Don't worry: everyone who wasted their time on the update has been fired forever, so this won't happen again.

"TF2 Classic - A Community Compilation"​

Valued community presence and old-head B. Comet has cooked up yet another YouTube clip show! We enjoy featuring these — they're probably the most "accessible" way to get TF2 Classic in front of a wider audience, and TF2C regulars (like you!) often see themselves in the background of clips, making it a community-wide home movie of sorts. We tend to look for a new gimmick every time, though (otherwise videos are all we'd feature), so the Community Compilation falls into the niche of "play of the week"-style player spotlights, like NISLT used to do for live TF2 way back when.

Like last month's video feature, there's a "human zoo" quality to this compilation too. More than ever, since the clips in the compilation are player recordings; there are some custom HUDs in this video so tacky that they literally make my stomach hurt. I saw someone playing at 65 FOV and nearly wet myself. It's all very cinéma vérité and is exactly the kind of "putting freaks on blast" playerbase journalism we appreciate.

Give it (and B. Comet's other compilations) a watch, and enjoy the TF2 Classic 2.1.4 Patch!

(And I know it's a housekeeping patch, but this is a good opportunity to get your friends into the game by saying "a new update just came out!" and slinking your way out of any clarifying questions they might have.)

Community Roundup: March 2024

March 24, 2024 - hunterbunney
Strap in, this one's a double feature.

"Team Fort Two Classic"​

Courtesy of Andres/quarterlydime (and featuring some fell minion of theirs named Merchant), another clip show!

Where aplsed's endeavor in January was a showcase of slick, whip-smart editing, "Team Fort Two Classic" follows more in the "human zoo" tradition of Team Fortress 2 pub montages — a "get a load of this freak!" video, you know. These are always fun to post, especially when they're a few months ripened already, because our VaultF4 Standard community is pretty buddy-buddy, and a lot of people are about to be gassed for their long-forgotten misplays when they log on tonight.

We're glad you like the game! (Duh.) "Loose story" is very much something we're shooting for, but in-game narrative is hard to swing when we don't have voice actors on retainer for most characters (and comics and animations beg the kind of quality that's hard to wring out of volunteers). Nonetheless, trust the plan! Big things coming. Vigilance.

Post-viewing discussion question: is the turning blur an artefact of the video encoder, or does Andres actually have Motion Blur turned on in the options? Much to consider.

Achievement Style Backpack Icons​

Now a vanity inclusion: D/D/DBoi, serial creator of HUD/UI overhauls (with an assist credit from ... us?!), has stitched parts of our blurry 512–x–512 achievement images into a set of new backpack icons! Along with plenty of hand-assembled ones.

Click the image or download here!

We try to personalize these blog posts, see — add a bit of humanity to the often-opaque public personae of sourcemod developers — and I made most of the Fight or Flight achievement icons, so it's gratifying to see my work being pored over so closely (including work that I knowingly scuffed, on account of thinking no one would ever pore over it. Uh oh)!

You only get one feature, we're not made of blog posts over here, but I'd check out D/D/DBoi's other work on that GameBanana page. If you like the idea of custom HUDs, but have held off because every live-TF2 custom HUD looks like the interface for a touch-screen ticket kiosk at the airport instead of a video game, D/D/DBoi's made a lot of artstyle-appropriate 2D asset mods that might win you over.

Happy Birthday, Civilian!

March 12, 2024 - bobatealee

Happy Birthday, Civilian! The lovable and personable Mr. Jenkins turns [inaudible muttering] years old today. Luckily, our gifts of miniature ponies and cask-aged cigars are enough to make him ignore how we didn't wish him "happy birthday" in 2021, 2022, or 2023. But he's patient. Like you! That's what we like about you. So very patient, and not going anywhere, right?

Also, good tidings to all the newcomers turning up for "Knockout Custom Weapons". To play on Custom Weapons servers, you'll need to install Team Fortress 2 Classic. (That's us. Hi!) Follow the instructions on our Downloads page. Reagy and her merry band are glad to have you, but I can't stress this enough: there's this really cool Sourcemod called Team Fortress 2 Classic, and you'll literally have it on your computer soon anyway, so give it a try while you're here?
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