2.2.2 Patch Release
February 1, 2025 - azzy
EMINOMA is proud to present The Double-Double Down Update.
The 2.2.2 Patch for Team Fortress 2 Classic has been released. To apply this update to TF2 Classic, use the latest version of our downloader. The major changes include:
The 2.2.2 Patch for Team Fortress 2 Classic has been released. To apply this update to TF2 Classic, use the latest version of our downloader. The major changes include:
Weapon Changes:
- Updated the Admiralty Anchor:
- Raised minimum earthquake radius to 96 (from 64)
- Raised minimum earthquake damage multiplier to x0.5 (from x0)
- Trail particles no longer render in first person
- Adjusted tauntkill timings
- Updated the Dynamite Pack:
- Defused Dynamite Packs are no longer able to apply the stun effect from direct hits
- Tauntkill now spawns bomblets
- Updated the Wrench:
- Wrench hits will now defuse Dynamite Packs far more reliably
- Updated the Rejuvenator:
- Overhauled the ÜberCharge Generator shield appearance
- ÜberCharge Generator gibs now grant ammo and metal to players
- Fixed servers not always transmitting the ÜberCharge Generator shield entity to clients
- Fixed ÜberCharge Generator granting infinite overheal after the owner Medic disconnects from the server
- Fixed ÜberCharge Generator granting indefinite ÜberCharge to the owner Medic when switching Medi Guns
- Updated the Fishwhacker:
- Increased the amount of knockback that ragdolls receive from Fishwhacker kills
- Updated the Tranquilizer Gun:
- Fixed Tranquilizer Gun darts sticking to disguised Spies
Map Changes:
- Updated vipr_2bridge:
- Fixed a bug where rounds would end immediately when server time ran out, instead of letting the round finish
- Fixed lighting and detailing bugs on a building on RED's side
- Adjusted cap times to match Drizzle
- Lowered cap times at mid to 7 (down from 8)
- Lowered cap times at final to 9 (down from 11)
- Updated vipr_drizzle:
- Fixed a bug where rounds would end immediately when server time ran out, instead of letting the round finish
- Fixed several clipping issues
- Updated dom_railway:
- Adjustments to train kill triggers
- Health and ammo adjustments
- Replaced all small health kits with medium health kits
- Added new health kits at A
- Moved medium ammo packs at point A to cover
- Replaced the lower medium ammo pack between A and B with a full ammo pack
- Updated ctf_2fort:
- The map's original fog controllers and color correction work as intended again after being broken for several updates, and now use the new fog_volume entity for greater reliability
General Changes:
- Fixed further cases of Intel GPU users having malformed shaders
- If you're still facing issues, use the following launch options: -force_vendor_id 0x10DE -force_device_id 0x1180
- Fixed further cases of clients crashing when attempting to delete cached sprays after disconnecting from a server or changing maps
- Fixed a longstanding crash caused by bots trying to pick a class
- Fixed some miscellaneous crashes in the weapon attribute manager
- Fixed a crash with flaming arrows pinning ragdolls against walls
- Fixed broken scaling for detail textures on SDK_VertexLitGeneric shader materials
- Fixed a rare crash when determining what disguise weapons a Spy should have
- Fixed Medic's player model being accidentally replaced with its HWM version
- Fixed Medic's ragdoll having missing physics meshes for backpack and left hand
- Fixed some cases of Escape Artist and Down With The Ship achievements not being granted sometimes
- Fixed set_burstmode weapon attribute not respecting mult_postfiredelay attribute values
- Fixed blendrockgroundwallsnow.vmt being visually inconsistent with live TF2
- Removed an intrepid researcher that wormed his way back into Powerhouse
- Merged more FGD changes by vizzys
- The Engineer's left hand now has its lightwarp enabled again
- Players with long names are properly welcomed back on the main menu again
- Reduced clickable area on the main menu server list panel refresh button
- Main menu server list panel no longer displays bot players in the player count indicator
- Main menu server list panel now displays player count before map name
- Added -sentry_consent (1/0) launch option to mitigate some potential crashes
- Reverted cl_showfps and cl_showpos HUDs back to their original position
- Refactored achievement_status command to have more readable output
- Exposed the following functions to VScript: GetPlayerByIndex, GetPlayerByUserId, GetPlayerByName, UTIL_IsValidEntity
- Fixed English closed captions not using proper Russian for some of Heavy's voicelines
- The Heavy will no longer say "I am bulletproof!" when he is, in fact, not bulletproof
- Added, rewrote, and adjusted many loading screen tips
- Updated localization files
- Updated medals
2.2.1 Patch Release
January 26, 2025 - sniffy194
Historical records for speed: The SR-71, Mercury, the Peregrine Falcon, Cheetahs, South Korean bandwidth, and as of today, TF2 Classic hotfixes after a major release.
The 2.2.1 Patch for Team Fortress 2 Classic has been released. To apply this update to TF2 Classic, use the latest version of our downloader. The major changes include:
The 2.2.1 Patch for Team Fortress 2 Classic has been released. To apply this update to TF2 Classic, use the latest version of our downloader. The major changes include:
General Changes:
- Fixed an issue where Engineer could build sentries in medieval mode
- Fixed several cases of clients crashing when attempting to delete cached sprays after disconnecting from a server or changing maps
- Fixed a regression that made the game unable to launch on setups with older CPUs that do not support the SSE4.2 instruction set
- Fixed Spy being unable to switch to the Knife in Medieval Mode
- Fixed burning chickens granting the Fowl Play achievement
- Fixed Escape Artist achievement not triggering correctly
- Fixed a regression with soundscapes being unable to play
- Fixed a regression that caused Dispenser screens to cull parts of the Dispenser model behind them
- Fixed a crash regarding nav mesh updating due to Sentry Gun fire
- Fixed a crash regarding players disconnecting while building Übercharge with the Rejuvenator
- Fixed a crash regarding Admiralty Anchor airshots by Sentry Gun rockets
- Fixed an alignment bug when changing resolutions on the main menu friends list
- Made further speculative fixes for Intel GPU users having malformed shaders
The Double Down Update: Day 4
January 24, 2025 - hunterbunney
It's the final day of The Double Down Update, but while the update is over, the update has just begun. While you strain a five-gigabyte packet through whatever poor overtaxed mirror is handling your download — get the update now, by the way — you can read about Day 4, featuring a new friend, a new map, a new under-the-hood utility (woah!), and a wall of patch notes so dense that someone walking past your screen might be fooled into thinking you're doing important work.
Click here to view Day 4, and enjoy the Double Down Update!